Secret Scribble

By Drimiteros

  Your text files saved localy and encrypted. Keep your passwords, text documents and
sencitive information secure and out of harms way from potential, anouthorized intrudors!

Why choose Secret Scribble over anything else:

1. My research indicates that many reputed online service providers, have experienced temporary shutdowns, leaving users unable to retrieve their information. Additionally, these platforms have faced data breaches, exposing sensitive user data. Secret Scribble works offline and promises to be reliable and secure always.

2. Managing passwords offline is often more sophisticated. Using tools like OpenSSL, terminals, and commands to encrypt and decrypt text can be tedious, and any software that automates this process tends to lack user-friendly design and functionality. Secret Scribble provides a more minimal environment and user friendly experience.

3. Secret Scribble is free! It will never force you to pay in order to unlock, access, or modify your data.

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App's live progress on trello!

This picture shows the live progress of the app on Trello. You can now get a preview at what the

developer works on right now! Perhaps you have a feature that you want to see, you can

request it  "here" !