Hi! My name is

Dimitris Thanopoulos

Business mail: drimiteros2@gmail.com

Also known as Drimiteros, I am a computer science student and the man behind Secret Scribble! I enjoy programming, football and painting. Secret Scribble is a personal side project that I develop on my free time in C++ and I will be sharing the progress here, for anyone to enjoy.

How did the journey began?🧐
The story began in early 2024, where I found myself constantly going back and forth, searching my papers for my hundreds of passwords, notes and IDs to complete all sorts of tasks that require them. I needed a place in my computer to store all of them, securely and the way I wanted. Now, I could make use of a password manager but I decided to create my own for three main reasons:

1. My research indicates that many reputed online service providers, often paid ones, have experienced temporary shutdowns, leaving users unable to retrieve their information. Additionally, these platforms have faced data breaches, exposing sensitive user data. Consequently, I am uncomfortable with sharing and storing my data online, regardless of their form.

2. Managing passwords offline is often more sophisticated. Using tools like OpenSSL, terminals, and commands to encrypt and decrypt text can be tedious, and any software that automates this process tends to lack user-friendly design and functionality.

3. Creating my own password manager is fun, educational, and potentially beneficial to others. It will be easier to use and could provide passive income if others find it useful and wish to donate, as it will be available for free.

I believe many people would appreciate such a product. If you're interested, you might want to get notified when the Beta version is up, I would love to get some honest feedback.

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