Total news: 5


Thank you all

very much for wishlisting

Hello everyone!

I just wanted to thank all of the people who have wishlisted the app so far ❤️! If you haven't done it yet, you can wishlist the app "here"



State of

Secret Scribble

Hello everyone!

This is a silly little post to let you know that the app has reached 2.150 lines of code. This is by far my biggest project so far and it will only keep getting bigger! 😊



The app's progress on

Hello everyone!

By clicking "here" you will be redirected to the app's Trello page, where you can view its current development status.



State of

Secret Scribble

Hello everyone!

I just wanted to inform you that the state of the software is good and it's progressing on schedule! Right now I have a functioning prototype that needs some polishing before launching the free Beta version (Late 2024 - Early 2025).

Follow the creator on Twitter to keep yourself constantly updated about the progress.



Release schedule for

Secret Scribble

Secret Scribble v.1.0 Beta is set to launch late 2024 - early 2025. Follow the creator on Twitter (see "About the creator") to learn the exact release date!